Seeing the Bible Through a Facebook Mindset
Scrolling through my Facebook feed is often discouraging, even depressing. You wouldn’t think that seeing all that people are accomplishing and enjoying would make me feel that way, or you’d think I was a pretty awful person if it did. The thief of comparison steals my joy for them though. I wish I could hike like that, travel like that, clean like that, paint like that, homeschool like that. I wish I had grandkids. I wish I had the energy to do those things. I wish I didn’t have pain so I could go to those places. I wish I could eat those things and not be ill. Jealousy. Envy. Ugliness. For a long time I couldn’t be on social media because of it. Slowly, over time, I was able to learn to celebrate and be glad for people, even though I couldn’t do the same things. I stopped comparing and I acknowledged that what I saw in their feeds were happy moments of their lives, not complete pictures. Funny thing, but I’ve had to learn to do the same with the Bible! “O God of my fathers, I ackno