
Showing posts with the label change

Living in the unknown

      Last Monday felt surreal. My husband and I kept saying it over and over the whole week.  I was supposed to have been undergoing brain surgery and then spending the week in the hospital, but instead I was home, with no idea what would happen next.  I had been told on Saturday at the Emergency room that I would receive a call from the Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic ( OMFSC) on Monday and they would schedule me to be seen that day or the next. I was also told that the Neurosurgery clinic would contact me sometime this week to reschedule my brain surgery.  I received the OMFSC call before 10 am (the time at which my husband had said he would call if they hadn't) and was given an appointment for Tuesday afternoon. Yes, I asked, and no, they didn't have anything sooner.  More disturbing was the call I got from neuro saying they were looking at early May to reschedule the brain surgery.  That was really difficult to take.  First they tell me that the tumor is in a dangerous s

Reflecting on My (Almost) Presurgery Week

    The ten days leading up to my surgery date were full and challenging. We left very early Friday morning to drive across the state and share the news of my brain tumor with my brother and my middle son.  Our hope was to fly, but they were all full.  I think the drive was good for us though.  The mountains were absolutely beautiful. Snow, frozen waterfalls and lakes, everything seemed intensified, even more beautiful than usual.  As I sat in my brother's home that afternoon with him and his wife, knowing that I had to share soon, butterflies filled my stomach.  I couldn't believe how nervous I was. My heart was racing and I had trouble catching my breath. Finally my husband signaled me that I couldn't wait any longer and I needed to get it over with so I prefaced it with a request for secrecy regarding what I was about to share until all of my kids had been informed and then shared the news.  They were understandably shocked, but very loving and supportive.  We enjoyed th

When "Wait and See" Wouldn't Sound so Bad

    Ten days after I received the call letting me know that they found something on the MRI I was sitting in the office of a Neurosurgeon.  I have no doubt that God orchestrated the circumstances that had brought me there, including a friend who is also dealing with a brain tumor recommending this clinic. But how could any of this be real? Only a couple of people knew what was going on, but there wasn't much to know before this appointment. All we had were a few key phrases on the MRI Study Result and our dear friend, Dr. Google.  I went into the appointment with the impression that the doctor would either recommend watching and waiting, doing another MRI in six months and seeing if anything changed, or taking it out right away.  In previous encounters where the option was to wait or do something I have vastly preferred doing something, but this time it was different. I had read about the potential complications of surgery and I was scared.  Not to mention, needing to act right awa

The Call That Changes Your Life

We see it in movies and TV shows, but we always hope it will never happen to us. The phone rings and it's someone unexpected, a police officer, a relative, a doctor. They give us news we weren't expecting, and from that moment on our lives are forever different. And it's not just our future that's different. We begin to define our past as "before"and "after" this life changing news.  I got the call last Monday, February 27th, 2023. Ironically, it came just two days after the anniversary of another one of those calls, the one letting me know that my brother had died unexpectedly at the age of 40, two years ago. This time it wasn't my Mom calling, it was the ARNP from my neurologist's office. She was calling me at 5:30 at night the next business day after I had had a brain MRI. Right away I knew this wasn't going to be another, "Everything looks fine, we don't know why you're in pain all the time," call. That n

Day 30: Pruning hurts!

      Five years ago, almost exactly, I was out on the peninsula at my Christian Yoga training.  It was intense with days starting at 6am and ending at 10, with twenty women and one man trying to get through three showers.  The information came at us as if it was issued through a firehose.  They had so much to teach us and so little time.  There were a few special moments for breaks though where we got to explore the grounds of the retreat center.  It was fall at the time and I began to get curious about why leaves change color and fall off at this time of year.  There's a very long explanation, but a few thing stood out to me.  The first was that the leaves changed color because the energy in them was being drawn back into the tree.  This energy would help the tree survive the winter when food was more scarce.  Then, when the time was right, a special chemical reaction would tell the tree it was time to let go of the leaf.  The chemical that did this is abbreviated ABA, which to m

Day 23: I am ashamed of my illness

      If you stick with me here for any length of time, you'll see I travel in cycles with my struggle over not having been healed yet.  At times I feel mostly at peace, accepting that I have done what I am supposed to, surrendering my life, my heart, my future to God and trusting that He will put things together perfectly in His timing.  Then there are times where I feel like there's something wrong with me because I'm still sick.  This is especially true when I am sharing my situation with another Christian.       I, like many others, have been told that it is God's will that everyone be healed and that if I haven't been, my faith is weak or there is unconfessed sin in my life.        You can't imagine how many times I've brought this to God in prayer.  Yes, of course there are things about my life that should be improved.  I am definitely not perfect.  I am a sinner saved by grace.  That said, I truly believe that God brings up to me issues that He wants

Day 22: The pros and cons of social media

      This morning I read an article written by a fellow Zebra (person with EDS) on the benefits of social media for those with chronic illness.  She shared that it helped her to feel connected to those she cared about even when she couldn't see them physically.  Further, she said that it helped her feel like she can, "still 'travel' all over the world and 'visit' friends and family from all walks of life."     For me, social media has a significantly different effect.  I've struggled as my abilities declined watching friends and family out and about doing wonderful things together.  I felt a heavy weight on my heart and questioned if I was a good mom anymore.  I struggled with jealousy at the things that others were able to do easily that I couldn't even consider.  I found that every time I opened Facebook on my phone it brought my mood lower and lower and I eventually had to cut myself off from it entirely.     These days if I want to connect vi

Day 4: Becoming an Ambulatory Wheelchair User

Up till about a year ago, I thought everyone who was in a wheelchair was there because they couldn't walk. It was pure ignorance on my part. I just didn't know any better. Had I been in a grocery store and seen someone in a wheelchair get up and pick something up off the shelf, I would have been in shock. I also spent most of my life being taught by my mother that mobility aids should only be used by people who absolutely could not function without them, and anyone else was faking to get attention. Between these two inherent biases, accepting the idea that I might need to use a wheelchair at different times was very difficult.      About a year ago I sustained a hip injury that made it exceedingly painful and sometimes impossible to walk. I did the best I could to get by using a cane, but found out that doing so was furthering my injury and I needed to allow my hip to rest. I still got around the house okay, but if I needed to do any extended walking, for instance s

Day 3: When change smacks you upside the head

     Five years ago some friends of ours from India came to stay with us for a bit.  We had a great time hanging out in The City, going to a local farm for a harvest festival, and carving pumpkins.  Today one of them returned to stay with us for a few days.  As his arrival approached, and even more when he got here, I was faced with what a different place I am in today than I was then. The last time they came I had just finished my Yoga training and was praying about how and where to use it.  My body was in pretty good shape, my digestive system was a mess but the rest of it worked pretty well.  We walked all over two nearby cities and did tons of active things - I didn't break a sweat. I even had my husband taking some yoga photos of me for my portfolio (see above). Three of my four children were still living at home and the oldest was living in a dorm nearby going to college.       This time, all but one of my children are moved out on their own with one living a 4.5 hour drive a