No Spoons Left, Only Knives

Let's talk about the Spoon Theory. It was originally developed by Christine Miserandino and discussed in an article she posted at But You Dont Look Sick? It's well-written and very helpful, but I am an incredibly visual person and I never REALLY got the spoon theory until I saw this video by Jessica Kellgren-Fozard. Essentially, the Spoon Theory is a visual/tactile representation of the limited energy allotted to those with different conditions like chronic illness, disability, mental illness and more. One spoon equates to a unit of physical/mental/emotional/social energy as all of these are in limited supply for this population. Most healthy people begin their day with unlimited spoons, the choices and possibilities of what they could do that day are limited primarily by the hours in it, but they're up for whatever comes their way. A person with chronic illness, or one of the other conditions, ...