
Showing posts with the label health

The testing continues: SIBO

     Yesterday I completed my Trio Smart Breath Test for SIBO. I was sent home with it by the ARNP I saw at the new GI office last month. We had some comically bad back and forth a over the phone where I was trying to get information about prepping for the test that delayed my being able to take it before my Palm Springs trip, but it's finally done. When I tested for SIBO in the past I used Genova Diagnostics, the same company I did my stool test with on Monday. I guess they are the preferred company by naturopaths, but this GI office had a different company they used.       Having done them both now, I can definitely say I prefer the Genova Diagnostics version from the patient end of things. Their instructions and user support are far more informative. The manual that came with this test was so oversimplified that made it difficult to know what to do.       The day before the test I had to observe a strict diet with only meat, eggs, rice, potatoes, oil, salt, and peppe

Living with Fear

      As you've probably read by now, I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes (EDS) which means my body creates defective collagen leading to weakened connective tissues.  This causes hypermobility as well as a heightened risk of injury.  That might come in the form of connective tissue tears, sprains, dislocations, you name it.  The other challenge is that my body does not heal well from the injuries, if at all.  That means what would be a simple injury for someone else can be a life-long disability for me.  I have multiple sprains in my body (including both of my ankles) that I have accumulated over the years and continue to affect me to this day.  Prolotherapy can help with some of those, but not all.       Enter fear.  Knowing that one small wrong move can lead to a lifetime of pain and disability can cause a person to be afraid to do anything, including rolling over in bed (yes, I've been injured this way many times). I am limited in what I can do to begin with so I'm not going

Testing Week! First up - Stool Test

      This week I've set aside time to take care of all the tests that have piled up for me to do.  I would have done them sooner but between confusing directions and finding out at the last minute that I needed to be off certain medicine/supplements for 1-2 weeks before the test it got pushed out.  What I did do was schedule times/days this week for me to do the tests so that I didn't have to have them hanging over my head in the meantime.  This is one of my little hacks that helps me to relax.  As long as I have things lingering on my to-do list I feel overwhelmed, but if I simply schedule a time to do them, I can let it go until it's time.       Today is stool test day.  This is my fourth time taking a stool test through Genova Diagnostics , but it's been about four years since my last test so I'm curious what has changed.  I've been having increasing digestive problems and getting a new stool test in addition to bringing on board a Gastroenterologist are our