Come, Let us Reason Together
“Come now, and let us reason together,” says the LORD, Isaiah 1:18a I am an empath. I feel things others feel, deeply. I have learned to use this gift from God to connect with people and I have had to learn how to create healthy boundaries around myself to keep myself safe and sane. Often this has come in the form of avoiding the news, and sometimes social media, especially during election cycles. I feel intensely the things that are spoken by others, and it affects me in more ways that you could imagine. With the change in administration on January 20th, there has been a flood of news. On the first day of his term alone, President Trump signed 26 executive orders that significantly affect our country. I didn't want to read 26 executive orders. I didn't want to puzzle through their meaning or the implications they might have on the future of our country. I wanted to hide in a hole. I wanted my husband to filter things for me and just tell me what I needed to know. I s...