Seasons of Fellowship

“They were devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”  Acts 2:42

“And let us take thought of how to spur one another on to love and good works, not abandoning our own meetings, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and even more so because you see the day drawing near.”  Hebrews 10:24-25

 Fellowship is a pivotal and beautiful thing that has changed how it looks over the centuries since these verses were written. How lovely to live in a small community where we could walk to each other’s homes and the temple courts. If I were even physically capable of it, which I’m not, according to Google Maps, it would take 5 hours to walk one way to my church.

 Since Covid, my relationships and engagements have changed as well. Really, it probably started when I finished homeschooling my kids. Back during my homeschooling days, we got together with other homeschooling families at least three times a week for co-ops. We were also very involved at church so that was often another two or more days a week. Yes, I was tired and socially drained, but I was also filled up with fellowship! I had a community. I had people who missed me when I was gone. Sure, that was usually because I was in charge of running a bunch of things, but at least I can say I was missed! I found out how situationally based those relationships were when my children moved on to higher education and we stopped attending co-op. That was pretty much it for all of those friendships. I keep in touch with a few of the ladies, meeting for coffee once every year or two or three, but those weekly, almost daily touchpoints are gone.

 During Covid, we also encountered a situation that caused us to leave our church home. This was no petty grievance, I assure you. We had been worshipping there for nearly 20 years and this was a huge blow to our already dwindling sense of community. Covid had isolated us all so much as well that now I felt well and truly alone. I desperately longed for and craved that sense of Christian community and sought it where I could, but I’m coming to realize that I may never again fully return to my old habits of fellowshipping several times a week.

 The home church we are at now is lovely, with scriptural teaching and kind people. We’ve met lots of people that we really like, but despite efforts, we’ve never been able to really connect outside of Sunday mornings. So where does that leave a 40-something woman whose kids are no longer children? How do I find friends? Where do I experience community? If you’re about to suggest it, I guarantee I’ve tried it, so I’ll stop you there.

 About a year ago, I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to engage with the Facebook community for Love God Greatly. I was hesitant as I’ve not had great luck with online communities, but when God points me in a direction I’m going to obey! I jumped in with both feet and committed to read and respond to every SOAP study posted every day of the first study I joined them for. It was very challenging and took a big time commitment, but as I read the ladies’ hearts each day, I felt like I was getting to know them a little. Over the course of the study, I was invited by a lovely, gracious woman to join their Zoom group where they discussed the study each week. I was more than a little nervous to do this, but again I felt God nudging me in this direction, so I ignored my discomfort and logged on. I’m so happy to report that in this group I have finally found a sense of fellowship post Covid. It’s interesting as the women are physically scattered all over the world, but we are brought together by a common love of Jesus and a desire to grow in Him.

Here's the Thing: No, it’s not what I used to have, but the fellowship I have with the ladies in my Bible study now is new and different and beautiful. I am so grateful for each one of them and all God is teaching me through them. And who knows, maybe God will grant me the opportunity to break bread with them on this side of Heaven as well! 


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