The Hypostatic Union

“Now the Word became flesh and took up residence among us. We saw his glory – the glory of the one and only, full of grace and truth, who came from the Father.”  John 1:14

“who though he existed in the form of God did not regard equality with God as something to be grasped, but emptied himself by taking on the form of a slave, by looking like other men, and by sharing in human nature.”  Philippians 2:6-7

 My mind is blown!  When I saw that we were studying, “Firm Foundations” I expected a simple study that went over basics I had covered over and over again during my walk with God.  Instead, we dive deep.  Last week we covered Faith, the Trinity,  Holiness, Love and Justice.  This week we've looked at the consequences of sin, the required payment for our sins, the doctrine of total depravity and now, the hypostatic union.  This stuff is DEEP, friends!

 The concept of the hypostatic union looks at how Jesus was fully God and fully man at the same time.  “How can this be!?” you ask.  Well, if you have a great answer for that, I’d love to hear it! As the artist I featured a couple of days ago, Shai Linne, puts it in his song, Hypostatic Union:

I know it’s deep but when you peep you’ll find it’s dense

Jesus both God and man- two hundred percents yeah

Fully divine, fully human

Introducing the hypostatic union

 So, Jesus was 200%. He had to be a man in order to pay for the sins of man, but He had to be God in order to be perfectly sinless and in order to overcome death and rise again.

 Jesus existed before time began, infinitely, eternally.  He existed outside of time and is not bound by it.  He created everything in existence.  I guess, if you really want your mind to explode,  He created Himself.  What I mean by this is that in John 1:3 it tells us that,  “All things were created by him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created.” If Jesus was fully man,  which I believe He was,  then He was created.  And everything that was created, was created by Jesus, so therefore, Jesus created Himself.  I think I'm confusing myself more rather than figuring anything out.

 A few questions to ponder:

     If Jesus was fully man, during that time did He only exist in our time and not outside of it? But if he's not bound by time, then couldn't He exist in both places simultaneously? But then would He be fully anything if He was part here and part elsewhere? Ouch! My head hurts!

Here's the Thing: I believe this is a concept that is too much for humanity to fully comprehend.  Again, that's where faith comes in .  If we could understand it, it would make it simple, unimpressive.  But God is so much more than that! He is infinitely impressive and beyond comprehension.


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