The Hinge Point of History
The crucifixion
of Jesus is the most pivotal moment in human history. It is the ultimate before
and after. It is the hinge point upon which eternity bends. Before Christ died
for us, we were lost in our sins. There was no hope, but the hope of a future
The Messiah was prophesied over and over,
beginning with the advent of the first sin in the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 3:15 God
pronounces, “I will put hostility between you and the woman and between your
offspring and her offspring; her offspring will attack your head, and you will
attack her offspring's heel." This is the first hint at God’s perfect plan
of redemption. I love what David Guzik had to say in his commentary on this
verse, “God’s plan wasn’t defeated when Adam and Eve sinned because God’s plan
was to bring forth something greater than man in the innocence of Eden. God
wanted more than innocent man; His plan is to bring forth redeemed
man.” True love is given by choice, not forced, as I described in this
earlier post. In the Garden, man had no choice, there was only God. Now,
however, we see the two sides: we feel the pull of the darkness and we see the
hope of the light.
All of the Old Testament leads up to the
coming of Christ. There are over 300
Messianic Prophecies in the Bible and Jesus fulfilled them all. In this
article, it shows how impossible it would be for anyone else to begin to
fulfill even 48 of these. But the whole point of Jesus coming was to make a way
for us to be rid of our bondage to sin and be free to choose life with Him
instead. He didn’t just come down to Earth as a novelty trip to see what it was
like to be human. He came down with the express purpose of living, and dying,
for us.
In Matthew 27:51 we see that at the time of Jesus’ death, “Just then the temple curtain was torn in two, from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks were split apart.” What is the significance of the temple veil being torn? Got Questions did a fabulous job of explaining it in this video:
Here’s the Thing: Jesus’ death on the cross, the crucifixion, righted the wrongs of the world. He paid the ultimate price for all sins, for eternity, once and for all. When He did, He made a way for people to come to God, through Him. Before Jesus’ sacrifice, we were separated from God by our sin. Now that Jesus has paid the price for our sin, we can be made righteous through Him, and come before the Holy and Awesome God with boldness and confidence.
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