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Yes, you heard me right. Anti. Monkey. Butt. Powder. I'm committed to bringing you information no matter how awkward or uncomfortable it may be. This is my honest review, I hope it blesses someone out there!
On a recent trip to a warmer climate, I began to experience some... uncomfortable chaffing between my thighs while wearing a dress. This doesn't happen at home typically because it's not warm enough for me to sweat! But I've been learning of late as well that heat + humidity makes my skin fragile. I'm more likely to have skin tears or blistering from normal, basic things. For example, I wear flip-flops as much of the year as possible at home with no issues whatsoever. If I wear them in a warm, humid climate I end up with multiple blisters almost immediately. I even got a blister on the bottom of my foot in Floriday, while using a wheelchair! I also run into trouble with my Visible arm band causing blisters and other skin irritation.
I researched solutions to my dilemma and came upon a few. One person suggested wearing bike shorts under my dress.
This definitely helped as my thighs were no longer rubbing against each other, but they are a warm layer and sometimes too warm with the weather. In addition, this did not help with other parts of my body.
The other suggestion was something that sounded unconventional,
Anti Monkey Butt Powder. No doubt they chose the name in order to stand out, and it worked! The nearly 3,600 reviews averaging 4.7 stars caught my attention as well. It has four, simple ingredients: Cornstarch, Calamine Powder, Tricalcium Phosphate, Fragrance. The riskiest of these is the fragrance, which some people might react to. There is also a
hypoallergenic option, but it too has fragrance so YMMV. I am rather reactive to fragrance, but so far I haven't had an issue with this one.
The ingredient that I appreciate the most is the calamine. Coming home from the trip I mentioned earlier, I ended up with a "contact dermatitis" rash from where clothing had created friction against my skin. I had ordered this powder while on my trip, so it was waiting for me when I got home. I was surprised to find that I didn't have any negative reaction to it at all. In fact, over a few days, it helped clear up the rash entirely.

With my newfound knowledge about my skin's fragility in certain climates, I made sure to pack my
AMB for the cruise that I'm currently sailing on. I just transferred some of the powder to a smaller
spice jar with a shaker lid. I'm so glad I did because a few days into my trip I found that my body had started to react to my deodorant! Things like this happen periodically where I start to react to things I've used for years. Perhaps it is the climate + the deodorant, but either way, I couldn't keep using it. Neither could I run around the ship without any deodorant! The climate did not make that ideal either. So, I decided to try my
AMB on my underarms. To my delight, it not only worked to help as a deodorant, it also cleared up the rash left by my former one! It was long-lasting, it's effect continuing into the next day. The only down side is that it also acts as a anti perspirant and sweating is such an important part of our body's toxin elimination system. As a short term solution though, it is definitely doing the trick!
How does one apply this powder though? Their suggestion:
I'm one of those hyper sensitive people that won't even touch raw meat without gloves though. I couldn't imagine putting powder on my hands and attempting to rub it in. Then I remembered the old fashioned powder pouf. I looked it up and, low and behold, they still make such things!
Here's the Thing: Unconventional name or not, this stuff works! I'm a big fan and happy to share it with you. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions!
Thanks for sharing might give it a try
ReplyDeleteYou're so welcome! Hope the info helps.