Dreaming Dreams


“In the day of those kings the God of heaven will raise up an everlasting kingdom that will not be destroyed and a kingdom that will not be left to another people. It will break in pieces and bring about the demise of all these kingdoms. But it will stand forever.”  Daniel 2:44

In Daniel chapter 2 we read about King Nebuchadnezzar and his dream. I’m inclined to believe that his dream was given to him by God. In any case, it was so impactful that he was ready to kill a bunch of people in order to have it interpreted for him. Really, killing all those people wouldn’t have gotten it interpreted, he was just throwing a fit. Sometimes it seems like kings are no better than toddlers when it comes to getting their way. But his decree certainly got the word out and motivated everyone to do what they could! Thankfully, Daniel and his friends knew the One God who was able to give the answer the king was looking for.

Nebuchadnezzar’s dream detailed several kingdoms that were to come, starting with his own. The interpretations I’ve seen seem to indicate that the final kingdom described, the one of iron and clay, describes the Roman Empire. So often in the Bible prophecy has a near and far interpretation, and I can’t help but wonder if this is the case here as well. I can see how iron and clay, mixed together but not intermixing, would describe the Roman Empire. But how much does it describe our own country today as well?

Dreams aren’t only a thing of the past. A great man in our recent history had big dreams as well, Martin Luther King Jr. He dreamed dreams for a country that was divided, like iron and clay. While I’d like to hope that some of those dreams are coming true, as we’ve seen all too clearly in recent years, there’s still a great divide to overcome as well.

Here’s the Thing: This kingdom, America, isn’t forever. It too shall pass. But the kingdom that will last forever, God’s kingdom, isn’t plagued with racial injustice, or any other injustice for that matter! His kingdom is perfect and beautiful. In it we can live forever praising Him because finally things are just as they should be with no pain, no suffering, no sickness, no death, no tiredness, no anything awful. In God’s kingdom, all our best dreams will come true!


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