Little Things with Big Effect

I have a brain tumor measuring 0.8 x 1.1 x 1.2 cm. That’s pretty small. You know what’s smaller? The space it’s in between my brain stem and my cerebellum. That means it’s pressing on several things, including the nausea center of my brain. That is a very small thing indeed that has VERY big effect. You see, it is not the size of a thing that matters in a body. You do not have to be a hand or a foot to be of importance. The nausea center, or the tumor pressing on it, even though drastically smaller, can have just as great a power.
For just as in one body we have many members, and not all the members serve the same function, so we who are many are one body in Christ, and individually we are members who belong to one another.  Romans 12: 4-5

All the parts of our body matter and work together. In the same way, all the parts of the body of Christ matter and need to work together. God designed us to be a community, to need fellowship, to be a team. While there might be lonely seasons in our lives, even these can be used to open our eyes to our need for others and draw us into His service.

As a part of the Body, we’ve each been given gifts. Some of those are called out in the Bible, things like hospitality, prophecy, evangelism, and service. Some of them are more individual and you might not find yours on a generic list. The thing is, you have a gift, likely more than one. What are you good at? Passionate about? Love doing? What lights you up inside? What project do you get lost in and you can’t put down? Now how can you use that to glorify God and build up others?

I have been diligently attempting to use this blog to share my gift of writing with the Body. I hope to make people think, to remind them of God’s truth and His promises. I have also been trying to be intentional about using the gift of encouragement to uplift others by giving them a smile and a hug, praying for them, and letting them know they’re on my heart.

Here’s the thing: While the nausea center is very inconvenient to have triggered unnecessarily, it has an important role in our bodies. Even though something is very small, seemingly insignificant, like the bee in the picture on my husband’s finger, when it is not playing its role there are catastrophic consequences. My role in this world is very small, but I need to play it. So do you!


  1. Oh so well spoken my dear cousin .I needed this reminder today♡♡

  2. My role is small but I need to play it! Excellent Word.

  3. Thank you for the reminder!

  4. Thank you, already I have gleaned some knowledge from what you have written.


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