Growing to be Something More


Confessions of a people pleaser. I have allowed my life to be ruled by fear. I am afraid of what strangers in a grocery store will think of me. People who I do not know and will never see again influence what I do and say on a daily basis. It’s foolish, and I know it, and yet I cannot seem to break away from it. How can I hope to live in my true identity as a child of God, free from the entanglements of this world?

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own, so that you may proclaim the virtues of the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.  1 Peter 2: 9

A line from today’s devotional stood out to me today, “Your identity is firmly rooted, not in the fleeting moments but in the eternal embrace of our Savior.” Who I am is not decided by what people think of me. It is not determined by a chance encounter, or even a long-term relationship. It is firmly rooted in Christ alone. I can stand strong in Whose I am, not worrying so much about each little thought that may or may not be created about me, lets be honest, far fewer people think about me than I realize.

And as I stand in that secure place, a place that I cannot be moved from, I can be my authentic self. I can praise God for all that He does in my life and not worry about who I might offend. I can remind my loved ones of God’s love for them and not apologize for overstepping. I can share that I am still waiting on God’s deliverance for my physical ailments and not worry about it devastating a weaker faith.

Here's the Thing: I have lived in fear too long. I know that it will not be like flipping a light switch, it will be a process to grow out of this place. But I need to move from here to a place of freedom. The place that my Savior saved me for!


  1. Yes, it is who we are in Christ that matters. Prayers for your health, sweet lady. ❤️


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