My God Will Rescue Me

I am having a really hard day. This is my fifth day in a row of having a migraine, and today’s migraine brought nausea along with it – a rare but not unheard of companion. I am recovering from eye surgery that I had on Friday which was supposed to correct my double vision, incurred from brain surgery last year, but as of yet has only made it worse and the recovery involves a very sore, swollen eye and the feeling of all my eyelashes pointing inward. I am still also recovering from arm surgery earlier this year where I had 17 procedures done. My right arm and hand are still swollen and sore with limited mobility. My back and neck are a mass of knots and tight muscles, the likely cause of my recent migraines. There have definitely been some bright points, but yes, today is a really hard day.

 - if so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from their trials, and to reserve the unrighteous for punishment at the day of judgement,  2 Peter 2: 9

Today’s verses, when read in context, most definitely refer to catastrophic, world-altering trials. Things like Noah’s flood and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The “trials” I’m facing today would hardly be a blip on the radar in comparison, and yet I know that my God is able to rescue me from them too. I have some lessons to learn from them, and who knows maybe someone else does too, but in His perfect timing, I know that God will heal all my pain. I know that He will give me clear vision. I know that He will help my hand to work again and make it so it doesn’t feel like I have a wad of scratchy stuff under my eyelid. And I know that some of that may not come until I see Him in heaven. And I’m ok with that.

Here’s the thing: the important part is knowing which side of this verse you are on, the godly or the unrighteous. I firmly believe that, because of Christ’s sacrifice for me, I am on the godly side who will be rescued. I pray you are certain of that as well, but if you’re not, please reach out and we’ll explore it together - .


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