Purging and Yearning
Most of us have a favorite shirt. Let’s say you’re wearing
that favorite shirt as you’re packing for vacation. You’ve got your bags all
packed and you throw a load of laundry in the morning before you leave,
including your favorite shirt so you can wear it when you get back, but you
forget to switch it to the dryer in your haste to get out the door to the
You have a fabulous time on vacation and you actually get to
do quite a bit of shopping and purchase what could be future favorite shirts! But
when you get home you are horrified to find that your favorite shirt is sitting
in the washer, covered in mildew. Nothing you do can get it all out, but you
get it much better and you think, “Surely it’ll be fine. It’s just a few spots
that you can hardly see.” But that’s not how mildew works.
You carefully fold your favorite shirt, along with all your new ones, into your drawers and go about your life. That mildew is insidious though. While you’re not looking, it is infecting ALL the clothing in your drawer. It takes time and you don’t notice it at first. After a while you realize that your favorite shirt really has had it and you regretfully toss it out. But before long you start to notice mildew spots on the new clothes you bought on vacation. And then on all the clothes that were in that drawer!
So get rid of all evil and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. And yearn like newborn infants for pure, spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up to salvation, 1 Peter 2: 1-2
The next key is the yearning. If you’ve ever seen a hungry
baby, you know the urgency with which it yearns for milk! This is the urgency
we are being called to with regards to God’s Word. I’m not gonna lie, I fall
way short of this, but I’m glad to say that I definitely see progress! Writing
these has inspired my heart and my thinking to long more for God’s Word. I
think ahead to the next day and wonder what it will be about. Sometimes, I peek
at the scripture for the next day and then puzzle over what God will speak to
me through it! Like so many other things in life, with God’s Word you get out
of it what you put into it. If you read a verse real quick in the morning and
then go about your day, that’s what you get. It’s not nothing, but it’s not
going to give you much. But if you take time, dig deep, read about what the
words meant, study what other scholars have discovered, you can learn so much.
Here’s the Thing: What I’ve found is that the more I learn,
the more I hunger for more!