Lean Back


The last few years have been tough. After multiple serious connective tissue tears in my arm, hip, shoulder and wrist I was finally given a diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a genetic disorder that affects the way your body produces collagen. This was both affirming and daunting as I looked ahead at what it meant for my future. This was followed by a diagnosis of skin cancer swiftly followed by being informed that I had a brain tumor that required immediate surgery. I share this because it would make sense for me to be overwhelmed, discouraged, or even depressed, and truly I felt all of these things at times, but when we encountered people – often healthcare workers – they frequently commented on how upbeat and positive we were, seemingly surprised by it with all that was going on.

I am sad to say that in the moment I was just as surprised by their observation, and I missed the opportunity to share with them what I’m sharing with you now – it was the hope of Christ in me that they saw. After decades of walking with Him, abiding in Him, when disaster struck it didn’t strike me down. I knew where to turn. I was safely held in my Father’s arms. In fact, when I awoke from my second of three brain surgeries I had the song “Lean Back” by LOVKN on repeat in my brain reminding me, "I got plans for you, I got a future and a hope for you, Just lean back in My arms, And I know where you've been, I see where you are and where you're going, Lean back in My arms.” My Heavenly Father was singing over me.

Sanctification is a big fancy word that basically describes the process of God growing us to be closer to and a little more like Himself. The more time we spend with Him, the more we learn about Him, the more we worship Him, the more we reflect His beautiful qualities. God doesn’t task us with the impossible job of becoming perfect on our own. Instead, He takes on the job of creating us in His image and then working with us to become more and more like He designed us to be. He partners with us, and frankly probably does the lion’s share of the work.

Here’s the Thing: This is a partnership, and we are called to obedience and holiness. The truth is we will be happier and feel more whole in that place. Let’s meet Him halfway. All we have to do is lean back!


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