Who am I?


Hi, I’m the Salty Zebra and I use the pronouns she/her.  Like everyone, I am a collection of experiences and relationships.  I am a wife, mom, daughter, sister, cousin, auntie, niece, granddaughter, and friend.  All of these relationships matter to me, and some of the more unusual ones further define me.  For example, I am a child of divorce, not all that uncommon in itself, but the divorce was a result of both domestic violence and a sexual identification change on the part of one of my parents.  While I’m guessing this isn’t as unusual as I was led to believe as a child, it does significantly alter my childhood experience from the “normal”.  

I am also a Spoonie, someone who deals with both chronic illness and disability.  I have a genetic disorder called Ehler’s-Danlos Syndromes that affects my connective tissues as well as chronic Lyme disease and many of their comorbidities (yes, I hate that word too, but it’s what they call them).  This affects the way I interact with the world and the way the world interacts with me.  I have had seasons of needing to use a wheelchair, cane, crutches, braces, and other visual indicators of my disabilities, but much of the time my disabilities are “non-apparent” or as other spoonies put it “invisible”. In addition, I deal with anxiety, depression, and PTSD. I know what it is to feel pain every day, physically and emotionally.

I have been a homeschool mom of fifteen years, a yoga instructor, and, for a brief time, a computer programmer.  I love to travel and experience new places, cultures and foods.  I am also someone who is usually confined to a restrictive diet due to ever changing health issues.  I am an introvert who prefers to order in than go to a restaurant and craves time alone, but I also desperately love and enjoy the people that are in my life. 

I am drawn to water. Near it I find rest, peace, refreshment.  At the same time, I don’t swim, and rarely actually get IN the water. 

My life has a soundtrack.  Music is my heart language and I have it playing nearly all the time.  I love nearly all genres of music and my playlists are extensive and varied.  It’s pretty standard for me to listen to more than a thousand different artists in a year according to Spotify, and a significant percentage of them are small, indie artists most have never heard of. 

I’ve always been drawn to fiber arts – from crochet and knitting to spinning wool and felting.  I find joy and comfort in following a pattern and creating things for others to enjoy. 

I’ve saved the most important thing for last, I am a passionate follower of Jesus.  He has changed my life, drawn me to Himself, and given me hope and a future.  He’s my best friend, the first one I turn to in joy or sorrow.  He provides for and protects me.  Most importantly, He loved me enough to die for me so that I can be with Him forever.  He did it for you too, and if you’d like to learn more, please feel free to reach out to me at saltyzebrablog@outlook.com . 

I am writing this blog semi-anonymously in that I am not identifying others I reference by name, sharing specifically where I live, or using my name.  I am also not sharing with those I know that I am writing it so that I can feel more free to write honestly and not overly edit my words to meet the expectations of those I love.  That said, if you know me in person, you will likely be able to guess who I am through what I write here. 

Whoever you are, my reader, you likely stumbled across these ramblings from an internet search that drew you here.  You are welcome.  I hope you find connection here, that you are able to see that you are not alone. 




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