How Much More


“Suddenly a vast, heavenly army appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,”  Luke 2:13

Have you ever been watching a movie and the protagonist seems to be in an overwhelming situation, and then they come up with some incredible, almost impossible, way of solving the problem? Do you get excited? Are you incredulous?

Imagine how the angels must have felt. They had been watching over the drama of human history from the beginning, but without the insight God had of how He would solve the sin problem. They celebrated with God at the creation, wondering over each new bush or bird or animal. They wept at the tragedy of the fall. They nodded along at the wisdom of the ten commandments, though they were astonished at the scene Moses brought them into initially. They rallied behind the Israelites when they fought Amalek and God had them winning as long as Moses’ hands were in the air. I’ve got to think a few of them were chuckling as the whale spit Jonah out. But in all of it, they never would have guessed what God had planned! The angel Gabriel had a little insight as he had been sent to Zechariah and Mary to tell them about it. Do you think he told the others? Or maybe they had a hint that the Holy Spirit would create a child in Mary, but they had no idea that it would be the Word Himself!

Now, recognize that the angels were spectators. They were not the ones being saved here. God did not do this for them, and yet they were moved to praise. How much more should we, the ones He did this for, be moved to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth!

Here's the Thing: I don’t think any cinematic experience can compare! What God did for humanity, for us, for me, was so incredible it is worthy of all praise! He didn’t have to. We didn’t deserve it. But God loved us so much that He did it. Thank You God!


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