Reflecting on My (Almost) Presurgery Week

The ten days leading up to my surgery date were full and challenging. We left very early Friday morning to drive across the state and share the news of my brain tumor with my brother and my middle son. Our hope was to fly, but they were all full. I think the drive was good for us though. The mountains were absolutely beautiful. Snow, frozen waterfalls and lakes, everything seemed intensified, even more beautiful than usual. As I sat in my brother's home that afternoon with him and his wife, knowing that I had to share soon, butterflies filled my stomach. I couldn't believe how nervous I was. My heart was racing and I had trouble catching my breath. Finally my husband signaled me that I couldn't wait any longer and I needed to get it over with so I prefaced it with a request for secrecy regarding what I was about to share until all of my kids had been informed and then shared the news. They were understandably shocked, but very lovin...