Health Update: Finally saw the Gastroenterologist!
I think that picture says it all... So I've been dealing with digestive issues since, well since I was born I think. Some of it was definitely linked to anxiety and depression, but some of it was just how I was made. They really came to a head in the fall of 2016. At that point ANYTHING I consumed, even plain chicken broth, had me doubled over in pain. I kept finding things that helped a little, but they were band-aids at best and in the spring of 2017 I was diagnosed with SIBO for the first time. There was a host of other issues present as well including a parasitic infection and a lack of digesting protein or fat. We treated it aggressively with antibiotics, antiparasitics and a whole host of digestive support supplements as well as the most restrictive diet I've ever heard of. It started off with me being able to eat a chicken breast (baked over a grate so there would be no fat present and with NO seasoning), ground beef cooked...